Ðiggsríkjeð Jœkklænds


Official name: Ðiggsríkjeð Jœkklænds (Republic of Yukland)
Origin of the Name: the name of the country means "land of glaciers", originated from Old Norse
jǫkull "glacier" and land "land".
Location: North Sea, between Norway and Iceland
Area: 13 049 km²
Population: 361 000
Population Density: 28 inhabit./km²
Capital: Ísðor (33 500)
Important Cities: Vítgarð (68 200), Fjallmænaðor (59 700), Grœnfjœrðor (52 400), Norðhém (47 600), Njebrjeggðor (32 300)
Nationality: Yuklandic (Jœkklændiggi)
Languages: Yuklandic (
Jœkklskmál), Danish
Religion: Lutheran (majority), Catholic
Currency: Yuklandic Mark (
Jœkklænzk Marc= 100 órar (JKM 9.20 = EUR 1.00)
Economy: industry (31%) - fish, chemical, power generators, machinery, shipbuiding; information technology, bank services (20%), fishery (7%)

Export: 43.3% of GDP - fish, machinery, ships, chemical products, IT

Import: 27.5% of GDP - electronics, manufactured goods, food, vehicle, fuel

GDP Per Capita: JKM 205 330.00 (EUR 22 300.00)
Local time: West European Time (GMT +0h)

Climate: Cold oceanic. Average temperature: -1ºC (Jan., -10ºC, Jul., 7.5ºC); Rain: 1 000mm yearly
Political status: Parliamentary Republic
Head of State:
President Mr Álfrað Gulliðor
Head of Government: Prime Minister Luc Pálssœn (since 2019)
Airlines: Air Yukland (Jœkklænzk Loftvegjar)
Football Teams: Evropsk, Grár Ýlvar, 
Fjallmænaðor, Norðstjær, Konuggslið, Grœnfjœ, Gullið Jælm, Miljonærjar
Official website (English)


Contact: Paulo Eduardo França Padilha (BR)