Area - 2,580 km˛
Population - 538,000 inhabitants (2015) Density - 209 inhab./km˛ Major Cities - Jalabara, 164,000; Sanantonyo, 132,000; Weunol, 82,000; Salahit, 40,000; Purawatu, 60,000. Dialects - Kauta Lahudin (east and southeast coast), 353,000; Wisanyo (Jalabara and west coast), 153,000 and Waimahui (inland), 32,000 Religion - Christians (Kauta) GDP per Capita - KAH 28,637.00 yearly (2015) Participation in the GDP - 9% |
Industry -
manufactured and electronic products, textile and food.
Agriculture - rice, coconut (copra), spices, coffee, fruits, cocoa and sago; fowl, pork, beef/buffalo. Climate - Equatorial (monsoon); average temperature in most part of the island, 27ēC, all over the year. In the northern and central mountains, 22ēC, in the dry season. Rain: 2,650 mm yearly. Rivers - Maiha, Wainot, Mondolus, Hatohato, Menawero and Libaru. Major Peak - Hituwalu, 2,050 m. Name Origin - Wisanyo comes from old Wisanyo "wise nyut", that means "big star". |