Қарзанчөpлай Җумҳури
  Republic of Kharzanistan
Home - Қрағи
History - Тарых
Economy - Економика
Government - Ҳүкмөт Others - Заxедeм

Located in Central Asia and crossed by the ancient Silk Road, this small montainous country was influenced by several cultures - such as Indo-Iranian, Turkic, Chinese and Russian - through its vast History
. Politically and economically isolated, Kharzanistan now tries to be open to the world, searching for its own development.



Official name: Қарзанчөpлай Җумҳури, Qarzançörlay Jumhuri;قارزانچۆرلاي جۇمھۇرى; 西山国共和国, Xīshānguó Gònghéguó (Republic of Kharzanistan)
Origin of the Name: Kharzanistan means country of Kharzani in Persian. Kharzan is supposed to be from Turkic kar/qar “snow” and Old Kharzani *tsrān, “mountain”.
Area21,313 km²
Population: 1,196,860 inhabitants
Population Density: 56 inhabit./km²
Capital: Hoşraz (572,030)
Important Cities: Sinjunveⱬ, Moğaⱬabad, Savız Köl, Şarqraz
Nationality: Kharzani (қарзаны/qarzanı)
Languages: Kharzani (official); Mandarin (co-official); Russian; Tajik; Kyrgyz; Uzbek
Religion: Islam (90%); Russian Orthodox Christianity; Buddhism

Local time: GMT +6

Climate: cold semi-arid (BSk); average temperature: 1ºC (Jan., -12ºC, Jul., 14ºC); rain: 1,000 mm yearly. Most of the country is above 3,000 m of altitude

Highest Mountain: Qor Ţoran (6,614 m)

Longest Rivers: Mahtuⱬ, Ğantuⱬ, Moğaⱬ

Internet code: .qh
International Organizations: UN, CIS, Central Asian Union

University: Russian-Kharzani University (Рөс-қарзаны Университети) in Hoşraz

Newspapers: Ҳошразтық Ҳайнaм (Hoşraztıq Haynam); 新中国学报 (Xīn Zhōngguó Xuébào)

Currency: Haynsum (QHS)

Economy: agriculture (cotton, wheat, wool, silk); textile and food industry; foreign remittance

GDP: 1,518 million USD
GDP per capita: 1,269 USD per inhabitant

Government: unitary one-party socialist republic

Chairman (Head of State and Government): Düxţay Sirğren Usençütiq (since 2015)