Ðiggsríkjeð Jœkklænds
  Republic of Yukland
Home - Hém
History - Saga
Economy - Hagvæct
Government - Ríkisstjern Others - Annarar

Located exactly on the meridian of Greenwich, between Norway and Iceland, 300 km south of the Arctic Circle, the country is a harsh land, battered by strong winds and snow storms. But its people, descendant of Vikings, worked hard to build a rich and socially equalitarian nation. Nowadays, the country is one of the global leaders in the usage of wind energy to generate electricity



Official name: Ðiggsríkjeð Jœkklænds (Republic of Yukland)
Origin of the Name: the name of the country means "land of glaciers", originated from Old Norse words
jǫkull "glacier" and land "land".
Area: 13 049 km²
Population: 382 767 (2020)
Population Density: 29 inhabit./km²
Capital: Ísðor (35 500)
Important Cities: Vítgarð (72 300), Fjallmænaðor (63 300), Grœnfjœrðor (55 600), Norðhém (50 500), Njebrjeggðor (34 200)
Nationality: Yuklandic (Jœkklændiggi)
Languages: Yuklandic (Jœkklskmál), official; Danish
Religion: Lutheran (majority), Catholic
Local time: West European Time (GMT)

Climate: cold oceanic; average temperature: 4ºC (Jan., 0ºC, Jul., 9ºC);  rain: 1 084mm yearly

Highest Mountain: Guðsfiggfjall (2 198 m)

Longest Rivers: Refsfloð, Vítfjallsfloð

Internet code: .jk
International Organizations: UN, FICT

Universities: Southern University at Vítgarð (SLHV, Suðlænzk Háskœle i Vítgarði), 9,300 students, and National University at Ísðor (ÐHÍ, Ðjœðlec Háskœle i Ísðori), 5,100 students

Newspapers: Daclec Tiðændjar (Ísðor), Vítgarðsk Dacsblaðeð (Vítgarð), Tímjarne Fjallmænaðors (Fjallmænaðor)

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