Ytyrama Temĩatãtu Repuriká
  República Democrática de Itirama
Home - Jã Ok
History - Eûá Moranukûé
Economy - Ekonomi
Government - Temĩrekûó Others - Kuûá Kõ Amõ


Yutyrama is a socialist republic located in the Amazon rainforest, between French Guyana and the Brazilian state of Amapá. Its people are proud of being descendant of Kawaran, a people that lived in the sacred mountains of Tumuk Humak. Ecotourism, a sustainable agricultural production and native handicrafts are the basis of its economy.

Official nameRepública Democrática de Itirama - Ytyrama Temĩatãtu Repuriká (Democratic Republic of Yutyrama)
Origin of the Name: The name is derived of ywytyrama, the land of the “mountain people” (ywytyrawa), in the Amazonian General Language.
Area: 6 827 km²
Population: 325,890 (2020)
Population Density: 48 inhabit./km²
Capital: Porto da Mata
Important Cities: Garimpeiros, Uiporã, Itapirã, São José do Ipará, Juaquiti, São Luís das Missões, Caratuna

National Park of Kawaran (1,692 km²)
Nationality: Yutyraman (itiraguara/ytyrãûá)
Languages: Portuguese (official, Caboquiró dialect), Yutyraman (ytyrãjeẽ, national language); Wayampi, Palikur (Arawak language), Carib (Cariban language), French.
Religion: Catholic (majority), Tupanism
Local time: GMT -3

Climate: Tropical superhumid. Average temperature: 26.5ºC (Jan. 25.5ºC, Jul. 26ºC); Rain: 1070 mm yearly (dry season: Aug to Nov)
Highest Mountain: Timaque (335 m)
Longer Rivers: Oyapock, Kanatuna, Uiporã, Tipun, Parinwak
Internet Code: .ym
International Organizations: UN, OAS, MERCOSUR, FICT
National Anthem: Tupã ékatu ytysui aju ("I came from the mountains blessed by God")
University: Universidade Nacional de Porto da Mata (UNPM), 3,000 students
Newspapers: A Voz do Oiapoque (Porto da Mata), Caá Moranu (Garimpeiros)

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