General Information Government Newspapers Languages

General Information about Kaupelan

Map of Kaupelan
Rulers of Kaupelan
Island of Kiwangar
Island of Wisanu
Island of Nilau
Archipelago of Terong

  Tanunu Coast, Wisanu

Mount Gipahu, Nilau

Sanatonyo, Wisanu

Rataanga, Kiwangar

Wainot river, Wisanu

Island of Sutumai, Terong

Official NameLiraidahen Kaupèlan (Kingdom of Kaupelan)

Area – 8,906 km²

Population – 4,188,000 (2020)

Density – 470 inhabitants/km²


Major Cities – Purikali, 1,353 thousand inhabitants; Irnik, 412; Bandajaya, 297; Masar, 174; Jalabara, 168.

Languages – English and Kaupelanese (both official); Wisanyo, Haimarata, Palayanga and Terong (Kaupelanese dialects); Taumelan; -Waimahui; Forti (Portuguese dialect); Kelo and Paro (Suduk dialects); Moinate, Hakerehe and Atawodo.

Religion – Christians, 60%, Muslims, 20%, Buddhists, 5%, Animists, 2%.

Regime – Parliamentary Monarchy. Parliament ("Haimauman") with 74 senators ("awayuni").

State Ministries – Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade; Defense; Finance; Culture & Tourism; Health & Sports; Communication & Information; Education; Justice & Public Defense; Natural Resources, Environment & Energy; Economic Development; Social Assistance; Science & Technology; Agriculture & Fisheries; Home Affairs.

Currency – Kaupelanese Huwa (KAH) divided in 100 Hiyatu.

GDP per Capita – 44,297 huwas in 2020 (20,227 dollars, Purchase Power Parity).

Gross Domestic Product – 185 billion huwas in 2020 (84.7 billion dollars, PPP): Industry (28%); Commerce (6.9%); Services (20%); Transportation and Communication (11.4%); Financial Operations (7.8%); Building (3.7%); Agriculture & Fishery (1.2%); Mining (1%).

Exports – 109.9 billion huwas (2020): IT and electronic goods; manufactured goods, ships and ship repair; automotive products; petroleum products; industrialized food; re-exported products.

Imports – 93.6 billion huwas (2020): components; consumer goods; raw materials; food; vehicles; machinery.

Labor Force – 2.3 million workers: Industry (24.3%);  Services (50.7%); Agriculture & Fishery (2.5%); Mining (0.3%); Government (11.1%). Men (51.9%) and Women (48.1%).

Mining – oil (2 million ton/year; 42,500 barrel/day); salt.

Fishery – 154,600 ton/year.

Agriculture – rice (260,000 ton/year); copra; spicies (nutmeg, clove, pepper, cinnamon); coffee; tropical fruits; cocoa; tea; beef (pork, goat, buffalo); poultry. Cultivated area: 18% (162,000 ha).

Industry – electronic (32.2%); manufactured (24.9%); IT products (19.3%); food (7.9%); automotive (6.5%); shipbuilding and ship repair (5.4%); petrochemical (1.1%)

Tourism – 3.43 million tourists (2019): China, 26%; Japan, 18%; West Europe, 15%; North America, 13%; Australia & N. Zealand, 9%.

Electrical Energy – 3.7 GW. Thermo power plants at Palimasune, Jalabara, Bandajaya, Beramar, Santamaria and Kurudau. Wind at Kautaira, Purawatu and Umala.

Transportation – passenger vehicles, 1,060 thousand; airline: Makuwa Kaupelanese Airlines (regional and international flights). Airports: Masar (international), Purikali, Irnik, Bandajaya, Jalabara, Sanantonyo, Santakèrus and Palimaata. Ports – Bandajaya, Purikali, Irnik, Jalabara and Palimaata.

Official Kaupelanese Time – GMT +9:00.

Communication – Cable TV subscribers, 1,001,000; telephones, 6.2 million (mobile, 4.7 million); TV stations: Redyo na Telwijun Kaupelan (RTK), Telwijun Kabumala, and Bandanese Television (BTV cable). AM radio stations: 18. FM stations: 32. Short wave stations:1. Internet users: 3.3 million.

NewspapersBandanese Post, Purikali (330 thousand papers/day); Watulis Kaupelan, Purikali (170); Ngiye, Irnik (120); Tana, Purikali (100); Kiwangar Post, Masar (95); Bantau Hubi, Purikali (90); Palayanga, Palimaata (85); Kabar Bandajaya, Bandajaya (85); Islam Post, Bandajaya (80); Purikali ni Waidau, Purikali (80); Leranye Wisanyo, Jalabara (70); Terong, Lopes Gusmao (20). Official News Agency: Dahe ni Ajensi Waidau (DAW).

Education – basic school, 7 years (431,000 students); medium school, 5 years (218,000). Public Universities: Royal University of Purikali (28,000), Uniwesti Santamaria (17,000), Uniwesti Bandajaya (16,000), Uniwesti Haima Jalabara, Uniwesti Masar (11,000), Uniwesti Santakrus, Uniwesti Palimaata (5,000), Akadèmi Yasaina Masar (2,000); private: Uniwesti Islam Kautaira and Uniwesti Katolik Purikali (5,500); total superior school (106,000).

Research Centres Teknolojik, Purikali; Ansaur na Arkyolji, Purikali; Tasi, Masar; Bumi, Irnik; Medèsin, Bandajaya; Byolji na Tanu, Jalabara.

Urban Population – 89%.

Illiteracy – 2.4%.

Total Fertility Rate – 2.0 children/woman.

Population Growth – 0.69%.

Population Pyramid – 0 to 10 years (7.2% male, 7.2% female); 10 to 20 years (7.4% male, 7.4% female); 20 to 30 years (7.2% male, 7.4% female); 30 to 40 years (6.9% male, 7.2% female); 40 to 50 years (6.9% male, 7.2%, female); 50 to 60 years (4.3% male, 4.8% female); 60 to 70 years (2.8% male, 3.2% female); 70 to 80 years (5.8% male, 7.0% female)

Life Expectance – 78 years (males); 80 years (females).

Human Development Index – 0.886 (2020).

Origin of the Name – the name Kaupèlan comes from the ancient name of the island of Kiwangar, Raja Kaopalan, which means "king's nutmeg trees" in Old Kaupelanese, and through Portuguese Caupelã.

Climate – Equatorial (monsoon); average annual temperature: 26ºC; rains: 1.830 mm yearly (Dec/Feb: 860; Mar/May: 680; Jun/Aug: 110; Sep/Nov: 180).

Main Rivers and Lakes – main rivers: Mambaki, Maiha and Hubi; main lakes: Gajawatu and Suduk.

Highest Point – Gipahu (2587m); volcanoes: Gipahu and Ra'u

Head-of-State Lirai Kira II Wasahi Sunu Wuru Kamak Purajaya (since 2009).

Head-of-GovernmentWasir Lawin Peng (since 2021)

International Organizations: UN, ASEAN, UIEMB, FICT

Defense – budget: 5.4 billion huwa (2020)

National AnthemNuhu Nina Kibèrkat ("Blessed Motherland")